Launchpad Studio
Ages 14 – 18
Launchpad (high school) is where learners prepare for the adventure of a lifetime, whether the next step is a selective college, launching their own business or a first job at SpaceX or Google.
Launchpad heroes at Acton Academy Hamilton
Prepare for the real world through challenging apprenticeships, interviews with industry leaders, and deep reflection of how your gifts and passions align with a need in the world.
Read deep literature; communicate clearly and powerfully; and tackle real world computational challenges.
Wrestle with timeless moral dilemmas through Socratic discussions in Civilization and through studio governance.
Dive deeply into college level biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, finance and psychology through immersive quests and public exhibitions.
Serve in leadership roles in lower studios, their community, and around the world in the Acton Network.

Day in the life of a Launchpad Studio student.
8:30 AM
Morning Launch
Launchpadders start their day with an indepth socratic discussion lead by a Launchpadder.
9:00 AM
Core Skills
The goal of Launchpad (High School) is for each graduate to discovery the Next Great Adventure- a superpower skill, industry and place to live and work- where he or she will find a calling that will chagne the world.
By Launchpad, the right heroes have developed the skills, drive and character needed to change the world.
Several hours daily are reserved for Core Skills, including working individually and in silence early in the morning on self-paced challenges chosen by the Heroes and collaborating late in the morning with others.
12:00 PM
Lunch & Play
Time to take a break and step outside
1:00 PM
Quest and Next Great Adventure
Launchpad Quests focus on the analysis and critical thinking skills needed to make thoughtful tradeoffs, and organizational skills needed to lead a team to accomplish the impossible under real-time pressure, and are measured by the customer satisfaction of visitors to an Exhibition — not arbitrary grades from an adult.
Once a Launchpadder has completed the minimum number of Quests required for his or her badge plans, the remainder of the work can be devoted to the Next Great Adventure badges- a final lifelong quest.
Time to go home and share what they learned that day!

Launchpad Studio Philosophy